Terms and Conditions

For Volunteers at Akple Festival 2024
1. Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

The Volunteer agrees to:

a. Assist in various aspects of the Food Festival, including but not limited to set-up,
food service, guest assistance, and clean-up.
b. Follow all instructions provided by the assigned event coordinators and staff.
c. Handle food items and equipment with care and adhere to food safety guidelines.
d. Provide excellent customer service to festival attendees.

2. Uniform and Identification

The Volunteer agrees to wear the provided uniform or identification badge during their volunteer shifts.

3. Shift Commitment

The Volunteer commits to fulfilling the agreed-upon shifts and hours as outlined in the volunteer schedule.

4. Food Allergies and Restrictions

The Volunteer agrees to inform the organizers of any food allergies or dietary restrictions before participating in
food-related activities.

5. Photography and Media

The Volunteer grants permission for their image to be captured and used by the Organization for promotional and
media purposes related to the Food Festival.

6. Confidentiality

The Volunteer agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information or trade secrets disclosed by the
Organization during the course of their volunteer activities.

7. Health and Safety:

The Volunteer agrees to follow all health and safety guidelines provided by the Organization, including but not
limited to COVID-19 protocols.

8. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement with notice if the other party breaches any of its terms.

9. Volunteer Benefits

The Volunteer acknowledges that their services are voluntary and they are not entitled to monetary
compensation or event tickets. Any form of compensation will be solely at the discretion of the organizers

10. Amendments

The Organization reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions.
Volunteers will be notified of any changes.

11. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ghana.

12. Acceptance

By participating as a volunteer, the Volunteer acknowledges that they have read, understood,
and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.